MISSOULA, Mont. — Monday night’s Missoula city council meeting discussed a new prohibition, not on alcohol but for granting new business licenses for marijuana dispensaries within the city.

“Over the past couple of years substance use as a whole has decreased but this cannot be said for cannabis, cannabis use for youth is actually increasing, and in Montana it is the second highest substance abuse by youth,” Jacqueline Kline Missoula City-County Public Health Substance Use Disorder Coordinator/ Early Childhood said.

This change comes as parents raised concerns on the number of dispensaries in town and the release of a new report highlighting the spike in youth cannabis consumption.

The council approved the prohibition and intention to impose additional regulations on the sale to minors 7-2.

This approval doesn’t affect the current businesses who applied and are in review.

“We don’t as a city always have a lot of tools to do this, we don’t have all the tools we want for sure, I think this is just a smart step toward trying to protect our youth,” Amber Sherrill Missoula City Council member said.

City council heard from public health officials and was told for a city the size of Missoula five to 12 would be recommended.

There’s 51 dispensaries currently open in Missoula, with eight in review, a stat even some shops here in Missoula find high.

This new change will last for two years before being re-visited.

 Monday night’s Missoula city council meeting discussed a new prohibition, not on alcohol but for granting new business licenses for marijuana dispensaries withi  Read More  
